
In-Home Furniture & Daily Living Aids

In-Home Furniture and Daily Living Aids is a topic that proves to be quite apt for our current social situation. With government issuing historic guidelines and people being instructed to stay indoors for the foreseeable future we wanted to take this opportunity to talk to you about your home and how you can make the most of indoor life with some useful and innovative living aids.

Jars, bottles and tins. For some these everyday items can be a struggle, a challenging task, which seems simple for most. We understand and offer fantastic, simple to use, gadgets to help you conquer these tricky containers. The Can Key is one piece of plastic, with no buttons or loose parts, that will make opening ring pull cans a breeze. Simply slip it under the ring pull and leverage will do the rest. Then there are the Stay Put Twister Grips – a dual function circular piece of eco-friendly material – that make you superhuman when tackling jam jars. Then just lay them down and you have a non-slip coaster for your cuppa.

Reclining Chair

The Royal, Buckingham, Sandringham and Jubilee, regal names for simply splendid Riser Recliner Chairs. Our comprehensive selection of Rise and Recliner Chairs and options means that we can provide something for everyone. The average Briton spends 14 hours and 39 minutes sitting down per day, why not do it in style and comfort? Tilt-in-Space and Vasco cushioning are sedentary solutions perfect for those who may be susceptible to pressure sores. Displacing your weight, both solutions provide extra comfort for long periods of use in your riser recliner chair. From floral to the waterproof and breathable Dartex fabrics, we offer fabric choices for practicality, or to match your existing suite. Not only this, but we will conduct a free no obligation home assessment and provide a made to measure chair suited to your body and medical conditions.

When sat in a chair for an extended period it is important to exercise where possible. A pedal exerciser is perfect for low-impact in-home exercise, strengthening muscles and stimulating circulation. Our pedal exerciser with digital display is only £29.99.

We have lots of great products available for delivery to you door. Give us a call and we will send you a daily livings aids brochure for you to browse through. Stay safe, we hope to see you soon.



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